The Incredible Journey

Most of us like to have a sense of accomplishment. We like to get things done. For some of us it's because having too much to do makes us anxious, and checking things off the list is a relief. For others, we gain a sense of pride, knowing we can look back and say, "Yes, I did that!" Or it could be that we have a sense of obligation finish something we've started or committed to in life.

Following Jesus, though, isn't one of those things we can 'accomplish.' Remember - we are pursuing an infinite, perfect God. Wherever you are in your faith journey (and we all start in different places), taking the next step reveals more of who your Savior is, and who he calls you to be. 

First Things First
It starts with relationship

Make no mistake, a new life starts with making a commitment to follow Jesus Christ. He is the only path to God and his power to heal. Without that, we are lost.

What Jesus desires, though, isn't just a blind commitment. You and I are not robots, but thinking, feeling, loving humans, made in the image of God. He wants a genuine relaionship with each of us. He wants us to get to know him (because Jesus already knows you), and trust him. That takes effort.

So let's get started.

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Tell Someone

Among Jesus last words to his disciples before returning to heaven (to make a place for his people by the way), he told them this: 

Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit; teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember I am with you always,to the end of the age.

- Matthew 28:19-20

Telling others about Jesus, and helping them come to know him isn't a suggestion - it's an expectation. Though it might seem crazy that he picked us - broken, confused, messed up people - as 'plan A' for spreading the Gospel is MINDBOGGLING...but true! It is also one of the greatest honors we have, and a powerful step in growing our faith. Here are some helpful hints for telling others:

Tell Someone
Live It Out

Following Jesus isn't a 'spectator's sport.'  Jesus is always moving in our hearts and our world - and our call is to be right there beside him.  That's faith - moving forward and outward because Jesus has restored us & our hope. The world desperately needs to see our faith in action; and the truth is, the more we put it to work, the stronger our faith becomes. It's like Jesus knew that when he set the example for us.....:-)

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